Friday, October 23, 2009

Indoor picture

Top photo is modified, Bottom photo is the original.

I took the original picture indoors with no flash, using the light from a nearby window. The original turned out pretty well, however I thought it may be a bit dark and drab. I used Photoshop to adjust brightness, contrast, and color levels. I think the modified picture has a vibrance that the original lacked. By the way, this is Wrigley!

My Name in Pictures!

Here is the finished product after using photoshop to layer all of the letters on a canvas to spell my name. I think that it turned out really well. I really had to find my creative side to find some of these! The J is a water lily stem, E is made up of sideways trees, S is from my bedroom lamp, the 2nd S is from a splatter picture that my daughter painted, I is a deer antler, C is my cat's tail, and A is the tripod from the telescope.

Name pictures

I took some photos of objects that resemble the letters of my name. These were actually alot harder to find than I thought they would be initially. The two Ss really gave me a hard time!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Power Point Banner

Wow! This assignment really tried my patience! I finally managed to get it finished, although not with my original version, but a slightly simplified one. I used powerpoint to edit and tweak this photo that was taken of the slide at the pumpkin farm. I hope it inspires someone!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This photo was also taken on the field trip with my daughter's class. This is my daughter Riley(middle) with two of her friends from school. I used the cropping feature to cut out all of the extraneous parts of the photo, so that the viewer concentrates on the main subjects of the photo. The bottom photo is the cropped photo(obviously).

Lightening A Photo

I took this picture last week at a pumpkin farm in northern Indiana. In the photo is my daughter's first grade class. The photo was taken inside the barn without flash, so it was very dark. I used Adobe Photoshop to lighten the photo. I used the Brightness/Contrast feature and I brightened the picture and lightened the contrast. The first picture is the photoshopped one, with the original second.